Jim Moran Eminent Scholar in Business Administration and Director of Research, Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship
Office: RBB 139/141
Phone: 850-644-9846
Academic Specialty: Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Degree: Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
BSBA, Rutgers University
Areas of Expertise:
Mergers and Acquisitions
Knowledge Transfer and Innovation
Strategic Leadership

Bruce T. Lamont is the Jim Moran Eminent Scholar in Business Administration in the College of Business at Florida State University and the Director of Research at the Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship. Professor Lamont received his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research has been published in such outlets as the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, and Strategic Management Journal. He currently serves on the editorial review boards for the Journal of Management Studies and Strategic Management Journal and as Senior Associate Editor of the Africa Journal of Management. He has also served on the editorial review boards of the Academy of Management Journal and the Journal of Management, the Executive and Research Committees of the Business Policy and Strategy Division of the Academy of Management, as a Representative-At-Large for both the Strategy Process Interest Group and the Corporate Strategy Interest Group of the Strategic Management Society, and the Board of Governors of the Southern Management Association. Professor Lamont has also been elected as a Fellow of the Southern Management Association. His current research addresses the effective management of acquisition integration processes, knowledge investments and novel applications of theory to the African context.
Bruce Lamont - Vitae (PDF)
Selected Published Research
Reus, T., Lamont, B. and Ellis, K. 2016. The darker side of knowledge transfer following international acquisitions, Strategic Management Journal, 37: 932-934.
Ellis, K., Lamont, B., Reus, T., and Faifman, L. 2015. Mergers & Acquisitions in Africa. Africa Journal of Management, 1: 137-171.
Ellis, K., Reus, T., Lamont, B., and Ranft. A. 2011. Transfer effects in large acquisitions: How size-specific experience matters, Academy of Management Journal, 54: 1261-1276.
Reus, T. and Lamont, B. 2009. The double-edged sword of cultural distance in international acquisitions, Journal of International Business Studies, 40: 1298-1316.
Reus, T., Ranft, A., Lamont, B., and Adams, G. 2009. An interpretive systems view of knowledge investments, Academy of Management Review, 34: 382-400.
Ellis, K. , Reus, T, and Lamont, B. 2009. The effects of procedural and informational justice in the integration of related acquisitions, Strategic Management Journal, 30: 137-161.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Distinguished Service Award, Florida State University
- William R. Jones Outstanding Mentor Award, McKnight Foundation
- Gold Key Outstanding Faculty Award, Florida State University
- SMA Fellow, Southern Management Association